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Predictions: The History of the Future

A Contrafabulists Production

Because I’m shifting into high gear with my book-writing, I won’t be able to maintain the weekly or monthly posts here. This project will resume some time in 2019. I’m guessing not much will have changed by then – just a lot more bullshit stories about how robots are coming...

We monitor predictions that technologists and marketers make about the future of technology. No surprise, many of the predictions are made about AI, a development whose future folks have been predicting incorrectly since the 1950s. And a lot of predictions are made about cars. Because nothing says “the future” like...

We monitor predictions that technologists and marketers make about the future of technology. No surprise, many of the predictions are made about AI, a development whose future folks have been predicting incorrectly since the 1950s. And a lot of predictions are made about cars. Because nothing says “the future” like...

The Contrafabulists – Kin Lane and Audrey Watters – monitor predictions that technologists and marketers make about the future of technology. No surprise, most of the predictions are made about AI, a development whose future folks have been predicting incorrectly since the 1950s. Here are some of the predictions made...

The Contrafabulists – Kin Lane and Audrey Watters – monitor predictions that technologists and marketers make about the future of technology. No surprise, most of the predictions are made about AI, a development whose future folks have been predicting incorrectly since the 1950s. Here are some of the predictions made...